International VIP Bodyguard Mobile Training
The exclusive International official training centre in North Africa & Gulf countries for Security Guards and Close Protection Training.
We are fully accredited to deliver high-quality Security and Close Protection training. All the instructors employed by IVIPB possess recognized qualifications and are experienced Instructors and Field Operators with years of expertise in Close Protection, Police and Military, Intelligence, Private Security, and related fields.
(SIA) license Close Protection. (IVIPB) license Close Protection
Register Now to Become a government Licensed Close protection officer.
Close Protection modules you will need to attend and take two training modules course may be delivered over 14 days.
In order to work in close protection in the UK or in IVIPB, you must hold a Close Protection SIA license.
Close Protection Specialist Module
•Session 1: Roles and Responsibilities of the Close Protection Operative
•Session 2: Threat and Risk Assessment
•Session 3: Surveillance Awareness
•Session 4: Operational Planning
•Session 5: Law and Legislation
•Session 6: Interpersonal Skills
•Session 7: Close Protection Teamwork and Briefing
•Session 8: Conduct Reconnaissance
•Session 9: Close Protection Foot Drills
•Session 10: Route Selection
•Session 11: Close Protection Journey Management
•Session 12: Search Procedures
•Session 13: Incident Management
•Session 14: Venue Security
Conflict Management
•Session 1: Avoiding Conflict and Reducing Personal Risk
•Session 2: Defusing Conflict
•Session 3: Resolving and Learning from Conflict
•Session 4a: Application of Communication Skills and Conflict Management for Security Guarding and Close Protection
As Required Qualifications for Close Protection in
The Security Industry Authority (SIA) the UK.
Register to Become IVIPB International Licensed Bodyguard.
Bodyguard Training you will need to attend and take 3 training modules The course may be delivered over 10 days or More.
To work as Bodyguard in IVIPB, you must hold a Close Protection SIA license or CP -IVIPB license.
- Introduction to Close Protection
- Duties and Responsibilities of the Close Protection Officer (CPO)
- Terminology and structure of Close Protection
- Concentric Protection Circles/Rings and their usage
- Protective formations and escort techniques on foot
- Moving the Principal
- Practical use of tactics for VIP protection
- Single and Teamwork – routine and emergency
- Safety formations on special places and occasions
- The Prime Positions and exclusion zones
- Emergency First Response
- First aid, CPR, and the usage of an AED
- Diving equipment and his usage
- Cooperation with other force
- Safe Room Planning
- The content of an operational plan and its making
- Planning of Driving route and escape preparation
- Health and Safety
Embus and Debus
- Evacuation
- Threat and Risk Assessment
- Protocol and Dining Etiquette
- Reason for attempt and attack’s methods
- Analysis of terrorist attempts
- Sabotage identification
- Observation and Reconnaissance
- Psychology
- Conflict Management and communication techniques
- Rules and attitude in a hostage situation
- Report Writing
- CQB (Close Quarter Battle)
- Residential and Hotel Security
- Role of the escort and VIP Driver
- Physical Intervention
- Special Close Combat for Bodyguard
- Weapon and ballistics
- Combat Shooting with the pistol and other special weapons
- Extreme stress training in tactical/killer house
- Reporting skills
- Descriptions
- Communication Equipment and use of radio communication
- Electronic Surveillance
- Search procedures and methods
- Improvised Explosive Devices
- Letter and Parcel Bombs
- Bomb Search – building, and Vehicle
- Pieces of information and Data Protection
- Vehicle Escort Formations
- Counter Surveillance
- Vehicle Manoeuvres and Defensive Driving techniques
- Anti-ambush Drills and Vehicle Procurement
- Law in Close Protection job
- Travel and CPO
- Person the methods of revision
- Personal protection with the pistol

Hotel Security Executive training you will need to attend and take two training modules course may be delivered over 2 days.
In order to work in Hotel Security with IVIPB, you must hold a Hotel Security Executive license.
Security Essence
Security Principles
Protection According to Incident Phases
Establishing the Focus of Protection
Hotel Security
Hotel security basics – facility and perimeter
Response areas
Layered defense
Points for consideration
Searches, patrols, and communication
Checking People
Effective Ways to Check a Person
Suspicious Signs in Appearance and Behavior
Questioning / Security Interview and Documents
Dealing with Aggressive People
VIP Protection
Executive Protection Security Principles and Roles
Using Physical, Technical and Visual Barriers
Residence and Vehicle Security
Executive Protection in Motion
Dividing the Threats by Severity
Terrorism – Types and Methods
Preventing and Detecting Internal and External
Crime and Fraud
Protecting Against Organized Perpetrators and
Single Perpetrators
Emergency Situations
Dealing With a Suspect
Dealing with Aggressive Behavior
Threats and Anonymous Calls
Hostage Situations
Assaults, Shooting Incidents
Explosives, Bombing Attacks and Suicide Bombers
Explosive Mail and Car Bombs
Responding to Emergency
Division of Roles in Emergency
Conducting Emergency Searches
Evacuation and Sheltering
Crisis Recovery
Post Incident Procedures
Minimizing the Damage
Preserving Evidence
On completion of the course, the participants will be expected to have developed skills of successfully detecting and responding to risks that are threatening the local hotel industry.
Register Now to Become a government Licensed Security Guard.
Security Guard licensing you will need to attend and take three training modules The course may be delivered over four days.
•Session 1: Awareness of the Law in the Private Security Industry
•Session 2: Health and Safety for the Private Security Operative
•Session 3: Fire Safety Awareness
•Session 4: Emergency Procedures
•Session 5: The Private Security Industry
•Session 6: Communication Skills and Customer Care
Security Guarding Specialist Module
•Session 1: Introduction to the Roles and Responsibilities of Security Officers
•Session 2: Patrolling
•Session 3: Access and Egress Control
•Session 4: Searching
•Session 5: Technology and Systems in the Security Environment
•Session 6: The Security Officer and The Law
•Session 7: Communicating, Reporting, and Record-Keeping
Conflict Management Module
•Session 1: Avoiding Conflict and Reducing Personal Risk
•Session 2: Defusing Conflict
•Session 3: Resolving and Learning from Conflict
•Session 4: Application of Communication Skills and Conflict Management for Security Guarding and Close Protection
As Required Qualifications for Security Guards in The Security Industry Authority (SIA) the UK

For all types of security training Need
If you need more guidance, contact our professional team who can help you decide
which kinds of training do you need
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Licence Status Checker
Security Industry Authority