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Membership Application Form

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Choose your Membership :Security Services / Bodyguards, Homeland Security or Civilian Member
Choose your membership International Close Protection Network/ Close Protection / Diplomatic Security or Investigations.

IVIPB General Terms and Conditions :

As a member of the International VIP Bodyguard (IVIPB), I understand and accept the following principles as an integral part of my professional application:

I acknowledge my personal responsibility to promote the professional development of both myself and my colleagues, regardless of gender.

I will consistently demonstrate the highest level of integrity in the execution of my duties, ensuring that I fulfill my responsibilities with utmost professionalism and competence.

I will abstain from engaging in any unethical or illegal activities that could compromise my duties or jeopardize the well-being of those I am entrusted to protect. Furthermore, I pledge to refrain from using any narcotic or intoxicating substances that could impair my judgment or hinder my ability to perform my duties effectively.

I am committed to maintaining an open mind and actively pursuing knowledge and information to continuously enhance my skills and discover new methods and systems.

I will always be honest and transparent in my interactions with principals, fellow International VIP Bodyguard members, and officers, as well as business associates. I will uphold the standards set by our founder.

Recognizing the immense trust and responsibility bestowed upon me, I dedicate myself to the advancement of the bodyguard profession and the protection of those under my care. I will maintain the confidentiality of any organizational secrets and refrain from disclosing them to unauthorized individuals.

I acknowledge the unique international nature of the company and our organization and pledge to remain deserving of my membership by rejecting any animosity based on gender, creed, or ethnic origin. I will not discriminate against any fellow member for these reasons.

I will truthfully represent myself to principals, potential employers, and fellow members of the IVIPB.

I will not misrepresent my capabilities or make false claims about myself.

I will not engage in teaching bodyguard skills to others until I have obtained the necessary qualifications and received written permission from the Directors of the IVIPB. Furthermore, I will not use the logo or name of the International VIP Bodyguard without the written consent of the Directors.

Finally, I commit myself to achieving excellence in all aspects of the bodyguard profession, continuously striving for personal and professional growth.

I understand that the ID card and membership granted to me by the International VIP Bodyguard (IVIPB) are valuable assets, and I accept full responsibility for their safekeeping and appropriate use throughout the duration of my membership.

I will ensure that my ID card is used solely for authorized purposes related to my role as a member of the IVIPB. I will not misuse or lend it to others, and I will promptly report any loss or theft to the appropriate authorities within the organization.

I acknowledge that my membership in the IVIPB extends over a significant period, and I will uphold the values and commitments outlined in this professional application for the entirety of my affiliation.

I am aware that the International VIP Bodyguard (IVIPB) reserves the right to revoke my membership if I bring discredit or harm to the organization's reputation. In such a circumstance, I understand that the IVIPB may request the return of my ID card and any certifications associated with my membership.

I understand that adherence to international laws and regulations is of utmost importance in the bodyguard profession. I acknowledge that the International VIP Bodyguard (IVIPB) retains the authority to revoke my membership and request the return of my ID card and certifications if I engage in any actions that violate international laws or bring disrepute to the organization.

I acknowledge that the trademark of the International VIP Bodyguard (IVIPB) is protected intellectual property.

I understand that any unauthorized or inappropriate use of the IVIPB trademark may result in legal action taken by the organization.

If found guilty of such misuse, I accept that the IVIPB reserves the right to pursue legal remedies, including seeking financial compensation for damages incurred.

I understand that the badge issued by IVIPB must be returned to the IVIPB office at the end of my membership period if I do not renew it, or I will be charged an amount of $1000 in case of loss.

By signing and submitting this application electronically, I affirm that this electronic signature is considered legally binding and has the same validity as a handwritten signature. I confirm that all the information provided in this application is true, accurate, and complete.

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