International IVIPB Security & Close protection Network
Now is Open
Annual membership with IVIPB comes includes:
* Exclusive job and contract opportunities worldwide
* Extensive networking tools
* Use of our logo on your letterheads, business cards.
* Personal support and advice on the security industry
* Certificate of membership
* CV Advice, Annual Review & Templates
* Membership ID
* IVIPB Badge
* ID Cardholder real leather wallet
* Golden Pin badge for suit
* Basic listing in the official IVIPB website Directory
* Special offers and discounts on services and products
Join now to begin receiving your IVIPB membership benefits and get connected with the world of security and Close protection agent community.
There are multiple ways to join:
By email at: info@ivipb.com
By phone or whatsapp: 0044 7438144166

العضوية الدولية للامن والحراسات الخاصة
الان يمكنك استخراج شهادات العضوية بالشركة
العضوية متاحة لكل من تم تخرجه وتدريبه من خلالنا وحصل علي شهادة بذلك او السادة الضباط من الجيش والشرطة في جميع انحاء العالم
او من لهم خبرات وشهادات ودورات تعادل الخبرات الاحترافية في المجال الامني٠
تكلفةالعضويه ١٨٥جنيها استرليني
العضوية تشمل محفظة بالشعار والبدج المعدني الذهبي
عضوية وشهادة دولية لمدة سنة اثباتا للخبرات في هذا المجال وكارنية عضوية ٠
مميزات العضوية:
* فرص العمل والعقود الحصرية في جميع أنحاء العالم
* استخدام شعارنا على الرسائل الخاصة بك، وبطاقات العمل.
* الدعم الشخصي والمشورة بشأن صناعة الأمن
* نصائح السيرة الذاتية، والمراجعة السنوية والمقابلات الشخصية للعمل
* شهادة العضوية
* رقم تعريف العضوية كارنية عضوية
* الشارة الذهبية
* حامل البطاقة محفظة جلدية جلد طبيعي
* شارة الدبوس الذهبي للبدلة
* ادراج اسماء الاعضاء بموقعنا الرسمي
* العروض الخاصة والخصومات على الخدمات والمنتجات
* تخفيضات للتدريبات الدولية
هناك طرق متعددة للانضمام:
عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني على العنوان التالي: info@ivipb.com
عن طريق الهاتف أو ال واتساب: 00447438144166
الرجاء الانتباه ان العضوية لرجال الامن والحراسات الخاصة والشرطة والجيش مع اثبات الخبرات والتدريب٠

IVIPB network and Professional Memberships
Executive Protection organization for Professional Bodyguard or Close Protection Agents all over the world with personal security of individuals, senior executives, dignitaries, and members of government
ICPN Non-governmental agency grants certifications to individuals who meet predetermined qualifications.
These qualifications are generally set by professional associations
Every Professional Bodyguard or Close Protection requires a set of general and specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully ICPN qualification certificate.
ICPN qualification certificate is one way of demonstrating your mastery of working of expertise and demonstrates that you made an investment in yourself, your career, and your future

The International Close Protection Training Association
The International Close Protection Training Association (ICPTA): ICPTA was established in 2005 with a vision of uniting professional Close Protection Officers (CPOs) under one comprehensive organization. Our goal is to provide members with exceptional support, guiding those with industry experience and advising newcomers on obtaining proper education, adhering to the right protocols, and upholding ethical standards.
Irrespective of training or experience level, country of origin, or operational background, ICPTA welcomes anyone involved in CPO work. As a prospective ICPTA member, adherence to ICPTA Standards, Code of Ethics, and Code of Conduct is required. One of the standards is the ability to submit a valid and recent certificate of good conduct.
Since 2005, ICPTA has grown to include over 500 members, ranging from fully operational to entry-level CPOs starting their careers. Through our forum, members can build a global network, gaining a competitive advantage when planning and preparing for assignments in new areas. This network provides access to local knowledge, tips on available CPO jobs, and support from colleagues worldwide.
Within our membership, we are proud to have individuals who have earned special credentials in the field of close protection. We value their contributions to our association and the collective expertise we can leverage.
Join our global network of professionals now and benefit from the expertise of ICPTA and its members!